We’re blogging about this today because our Expecting a Baby personalized ornament is one of our very best selling items. It’s an ornament people buy for themselves or an ornament that others purchase as a gift for a pregnant couple. We’ve given this a lot of consideration, and realize what a very very special time being pregnant at Christmas is. Here are a few of our thoughts on making this “expecting” Christmas even more fun and joyful.
Expecting A Baby at Christmas Time
When you’re pregnant doctors and nurses always talk about trimesters. Of course, this refers to the development of your baby and the different stages of growth in utero, but the trimesters are different on the outside too. How you feel, how you look, what your level of anticipation is. If you’re pregnant at Christmas time you may have completely different feelings depending on which trimester you are experiencing. Let’s take our holiday celebration by trimester.
The first trimester, or first three months of your pregnancy, is such an exciting time. Especially if you are expecting your first baby. One thing that’s special is that your pregnancy is not evident to the outside world! It is your and your mate’s special time of knowing you are pregnant, and deciding how long to wait to tell everyone else. The pregnancy is confirmed. The due date is estimated. And before long you are going to start having some symptoms – such as morning sickness, nausea at certain smells, tiredness or sleepiness at odd times of the day, and strange cravings for food. Of course, not everyone has all of these symptoms, but they are fairly universal. If Christmas is coming you might be wondering if you are really “up to” the whole big celebration you usually put on.
This is a good time to listen to and follow your instincts. It’s a time to realize another little person is going to be with you from now on, and being flexible will forever be a part of your life because of him or her (or them!). Here are some ideas to make life less stressful for the holidays:
– Do most of your gift shopping online. Mall shopping may just not be as much fun. The smell of auto exhaust on the road. The odd smells in the mall that normally were just fine (like cinnamon rolls, hot dogs, cleaning solutions) now may make you a little nauseated.
-If you are able, purchase your gifts gift wrapped to save the last minute stress of getting it all done.
-Have gifts mailed directly to the recipient. Most online stores will offer a service for a gift message enclosure.
– Let Sis, or your Mom, make the holiday meals this year. Plan on going and enjoying every minute and every delicious bite of their special holiday cooking instead of making everything yourself.
-Since your pregnancy isn’t showing yet, make Christmas Eve or Christmas Day the special day to tell your family and loved ones that you are Pregnant! Of course, we recommend you have one of our cute expecting ornaments personalized and gift wrapped for your mom to open and be surprised. This gift is also cute for his parent’s as well. If they are with you, or even if they are far away, opening this gift is a fabulous way at Christmas to tell your family you are expecting!
So the Christmas theme for a first-trimester pregnancy is, take it easy, take care of yourself and let others help with entertaining and meals, and tell everyone your secret surprise, a new baby will be joining the family next year. Then sit back and enjoy all of the love and attention!
The Second Trimester may be the most enjoyable time of pregnancy. For most women, the morning sickness tapers off to non-existent. Many women have more energy and feel more themselves. And, your baby is growing and you are starting to “show”. This is a happy time of telling friends and co-workers you are expecting and enjoying the attention and conversations from other women who have gone through a pregnancy and birth and are ready to tell you all about it! During this time you’ll feel the baby move – a very exciting event.
If Christmas comes during this second trimester it is likely you will be tempted to do all the things you’ve always done at Christmas time and depending on how you are feeling you will succeed!
– It’s still not a bad idea to not go overboard with planning, shopping, cooking, and entertaining. Getting worn out just isn’t good for you and that’s not good for the baby.
– This is a good time to start preparing for the baby’s arrival. Telling your boss about your pregnancy and planning for maternity leave. Buying a crib and car safety seat. and other things around the home.
– Buy something new to wear for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Plan ahead – in 3-4 short weeks your waistline will be expanding and you’ll be having yummy food and want to be comfy. Of course, I’m sure your doctor would encourage you to enjoy everything in moderation! But a couple of new tops that are comfortable and a pretty color will do wonders for that feeling that you don’t really look hugely pregnant, just a little chubby.
– Decorate your Christmas tree, and think about how next Christmas there will be a baby and how much fun that will be. Be sure to add a personalized Christmas ornament that celebrates the Christmas you are expecting a baby. This ornament will be yours forever to remember this special time. And don’t forget both sets of grandparents! They’re Expecting too…. They’re expecting a darling Grandchild!
Christmas during your third trimester can really be a challenge. Plan ahead is the phrase of the season! You are going to get tired and need to put your feet up after work!
– Do all of your shopping and wrapping way before Christmas. Try to have it done by Thanksgiving. Shop online, have things wrapped, have gifts mailed.
– Tell everyone what you need to complete your baby’s layette and all of the other things you might need – crib, high chair, rocking lounger, and the like. Maybe you will be lucky enough to have a nice baby shower, but being prepared for a coming birth enables you to relax and enjoy the holidays.
– Let Mom do it! or your Sister or Mother in Law! This is a special time for them too and helping you and your husband stay rested and happy will give them pleasure.
– Get all the good books about parenting and baby and take the time to discuss how your family brought up the baby. Christmas is a good time for family memories and hearing about how you were as a baby, and how your husband was, and how your parents took care of you those first weeks will be emotionally strengthening. No matter how many books you read, and how many tales you hear, your baby’s first month or two will be a big surprise, so line up the support of your family and friends.
– Enjoy the holidays, let yourself be pampered. Think about what kind of parents you will be and about what the future has in store for the Christmas celebrations ahead. And don’t forget about Calliope Designs for your Baby’s First Christmas personalized ornament.