Student Desk for Distance Learning and Zoom Classroom with Smart Phone Personalized Ornament


Off to college! Living in the dorm! Studying hard! But this year, 2021, it’s still all about doing a lot of learning at home and Distance Learning.  Zoom classrooms.  Online courses.  What a cute ornament this Student Desk is, and we’ll add his or her name, the school or a different saying about online learning , and the year.

14 in stock

Student’s Name on Flag Banner

15 characters remaining

School initials or name

This will be centered on the Computer Monitor using black ink.

15 characters remaining

Wording about Online Learning, Zoom Classroom, Distance Learning etc.

Zoom Learning, Distance Learning, or your words about studying from home. Year will be put on Green book.

24 characters remaining


Enter a year or NONE.

4 characters remaining

  • 1x Student Desk for Distance Learning and Zoom Classroom with Smart Phone Personalized Ornament
  • Subtotal $20.95

SKU: OC-267 Categories: ,


Made of resin and hand painted this ornament will be a wonderful memento of his or her year of a new type of learning online.  All personalization is done by hand, by artists using permanent black ink.

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