Lost A Tooth: Female, Blonde Personalized Ornament


We know who was waiting for the Tooth Fairy this year! Did she come? This ornament is a perfect way to remember the year your daughter or granddaughter lost her first tooth.

5 in stock


Phrase on white sign

Date or Year tooth was lost


Enter a year or NONE.

4 characters remaining

  • 1x Lost A Tooth: Female, Blonde Personalized Ornament
  • Subtotal $20.95

SKU: OC-174-FBL Categories: ,


A big occasion filled with anticipation and a little scary too. Will it hurt? No, not usually we say. As we patiently wiggle and fuss with a tooth that’s ready to come out we realize this is the beginning of growing up! This ornament is made by Ornament Central, our guest ornament artist, of resin, then hand painted. We’ll personalize this Lost A Tooth ornament with her name and the date, and you can add a saying on the little white sign.