Fireplace Mantle with 6 Stockings Christmas Ornament


Purchase for a family of six with a precious pet! This ornament is a darling gift for grandparents of six as well! Think how much they’d love this with all their grandkids and their favorite pet’s name on it.

17 in stock

Name on Left Stocking

12 characters remaining

Name on 2nd from Left Stocking

12 characters remaining

Name on 3rd from Left Stocking

12 characters remaining

Name on 4th from Left Stocking

12 characters remaining

Name on 5th from Left Stocking

12 characters remaining

Name on Right Stocking

12 characters remaining

Name on bear’s hatband

8 characters remaining

Phrases * 


Enter a year or NONE.

4 characters remaining

  • 1x Fireplace Mantle with 6 Stockings Christmas Ornament
  • Subtotal $20.95

SKU: 12437E Category:


When it’s personalized this ornament makes the best gift for a family of six or Grandparents with six grandchildren. They’ll be sure to love the added feature of putting the pet’s name on the little bear’s tummy. All of our ornaments are designed to have the year, and a special phrase as well. It’s sure to become one of the family’s favorites.

Some personalization phrase ideas:

Home for the Holidays!

To Grandparent’s House, we Go!

Our New Home

First Christmas at (the address)

First Christmas Living Together

Our Night Before Christmas!

Good Neighbors are a Blessing!

From Our House to Yours

Our Home is Filled with Love!

The Heart of a Home is Love!

Our First Home!

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