Fireplace for Family of Three with Two Pets


Part of our Design Your Own series, we will make this fireplace just for your family, or for friends. It’s sure to be loved. You choose the pets, and the phrase at the base of the style. We’ll make this personalized ornament up special just for your family of three! When you choose a pet in the drop down menu a small image will appear showing you how your pet will look.

32 in stock

Name on left stocking

12 characters remaining

Name on center stocking

12 characters remaining

Name on right stocking

12 characters remaining

Select left Pet * 

Name of left Pet

14 characters remaining

Select right Pet * 

Name of right Pet

14 characters remaining

Phrase on base


Enter a year or NONE.

4 characters remaining

  • 1x Fireplace for Family of Three with Two Pets
  • Subtotal $24.95


Three stockings and two pet choices on this fireplace make it extra special for your family, or for friends.  We have expanded our selection of dogs so you have more choices to find one that resembles your special pets.   Since it can be used for many purposes, there are quite a few phrases that would work on this style.

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