Engaged Penguin Couple in a Christmas Wreath Christmas Ornament


A Christmas Eve scene of two penguins enjoying the snowy evening together. Give to a couple that just became engaged. Or create a different saying for grandparents, or a single parent with one child. A darling gift.

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  • 1x Engaged Penguin Couple in a Christmas Wreath Christmas Ornament
  • Subtotal $20.95

SKU: 12439a Categories: ,


Little silver stars dot the night sky of this pretty Christmas scene ornament. Two penguins are out for the special evening in the snowy fields! What a sweet  Engaged couple ornament.  Or change the saying on the ornament for a  grandparents ornament or personalized single parent ornament. This style comes with 3, 4, and 5 penguins as well. It’s all handmade of polymer clay.  No special storage requirements.

Our customers often suggest the best sayings…. or think of your very own to make it completely unique!

We’re Getting Married!

Engaged on …. (add the date)

She said Yes!

He Proposed!

First Engaged Christmas

First Promised Christmas

We’re Promised!

We’re Bethrothed!

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