Christmas Stocking for One Person with One Pet Personalized Ornament


We make these ornaments to order, so enjoy giving a completely handmade and unique gift to a person who has one pet, or should I say, one adored pet! When you select a pet from the drop down menu a small image of the pet will appear so you can see what it will look like.

43 in stock

Saying on White Stocking Cuff * 

Custom Phrase

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Name on hatband

Select A Pet * 

Name of Pet


Enter a year or NONE.

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  • 1x Christmas Stocking for One Person with One Pet Personalized Ornament
  • Subtotal $24.95


The stocking ornament is handmade of red and green polymer clay. Dimensions are 4″ tall by 3.5″ wide. We have 24 pets to choose from and it’s sure to look very cute when the pet’s name is carefully hand inscribed.