Family Tree of Nine Christmas Ornament


Even if you don’t have eight children, think of your “Family Tree” and include everyone! This tree holds nine! And we will make it to order just for you. As we create the style to your order we will put each person’s name on a little character. On the bottom of the ornament, we’ll put the phrase you select, or if you prefer you can create your own saying that is relevant for this Christmas celebration. What a delightful gift for your own family, for grandparents, for neighbors or club members! 6″ X 4″.

46 in stock

Name on top left hat

9 characters remaining

Name on top right hat

9 characters remaining

Name on 2nd row left hat

8 characters remaining

Name on 2nd row center hat

8 characters remaining

Name on 2nd row right hat

8 characters remaining

Name on bottom row left hat

8 characters remaining

Name on bottom row left center hat

8 characters remaining

Name on bottom row center right hat

8 characters remaining

Name on bottom row right hat

8 characters remaining

Phrases * 


Enter a year or NONE.

4 characters remaining

  • 1x Family Tree of Nine Christmas Ornament
  • Subtotal $22.95

SKU: 12509 Category:


These larger “family tree” ornaments can be really useful as gifts – for big families first, for book clubs, for office mates, for sorority sisters, for teams! Be creative and you’ll create an extra special gift for extra special people in your life!