Soon, it’s going to be Christmas Eve, and everyone must have already started hunting for those easy Christmas ornaments, isn’t it? The ornaments discussed in this article are not only easy to make, but are made quickly as well. Christmas ornaments do play a very important part in our Christmas decorations, don’t they? This is the very reason we are here, telling you how to make the best ornaments, the easy way. While we have some simple traditional Christmas ornaments like candies and Christmas stockings, let us also look at some contemporary yet easy Christmas ornament ideas.
Easy to Make Christmas Ornaments found on the Internet!
Easy Christmas Ornament # 1
Make a list of various things you can use as Christmas ornaments. Miniature Christmas wreaths, the face of Santa Claus, mistletoe, holly, Christmas candles etc. are a few. Draw these on a colored paper and cut them out. Cover them with some colored gelatin paper to make them look attractive. Now, hang these pieces to the Christmas tree using threads or ribbons. So, you now have your first set of easy to make Christmas ornaments ready. Aren’t they really easy to make? We will now see how to make some Santa Claus crafts.
Materials Required
White construction paper 10” x 10”
Red, white and green paint
Black permanent marker
Red gelatin paper
Blue satin ribbon
Sparkle pen or powdered sparkle
Punching machine
Draw a Santa Claus on the white construction paper in such a way that most of the paper is used up. Now, cut this drawn Santa Claus and color it with the paints you have. Use the black permanent marker to draw necessary outlines after, or before painting. Apart from black, you can use any marker that will help the outlines stand out. Now, you need to cover the red part of the Santa Claus with gelatin paper. Cut gelatin paper of necessary size. Using sparkle pens, draw outlines on the entire cutout. Punch a hole on the topmost part of the cutting. Pass a satin ribbon through this hole, and hang the craft to your Christmas tree.
Easy Christmas Ornament # 2
Candies and small chocolates wrapped in colored paper, have always looked good as Christmas ornaments, haven’t they? Candy sticks are in fact, one of the most traditional Christmas ornaments. Then, small-sized colored socks can also be used as homemade ornaments. All you need to do is look for stuff that will look good on your Christmas tree, and then enhance it with sparkle and glitter. These are perhaps the easiest Christmas ornaments to make. We will now see how to make Christmas Baubles.
Materials Required
Chocolate wrappers of all sizes and colors
Adhesive Tape
Red and white satin ribbons
Roll the newspaper into balls of equal size. Apply adhesive tape from all sides to even out the surface. On this adhesive tape part, start sticking the chocolate wrappers that you have, using some gum. Make sure that the inside of the bauble (the newspaper) isn’t visible. Now using a ribbon, form a hook anywhere on the ball. You can do this by sticking two ends of a 1cm ribbon and passing the other ribbon through it. Your baubles are now ready to be hanged.
Some More Easy Christmas Ornaments
Find It!
If you have absolutely no time to make, draw, cut and hang the easy Christmas ornaments we discussed, we have some other handmade Christmas ornaments for you. Kids can make some really nice ornaments using these ideas. Look for newspapers and magazines at home. There must be pictures of Christmas ornaments in them, right? Just cut them and hang them to your Christmas tree. Everything that you think relates to, and complements the Christmas theme can be used. This is by far the easiest Christmas ornaments idea you can find, isn’t it?
Wrap It!
Look for objects of different sizes and shapes, that are light in weight. Cover or wrap these with some inexpensive beautiful paper and you have a number of homemade Christmas tree ornaments ready in no time. Remember that though there are many Christmas ornaments to make, the easiest ones are those which are made quickly. This is the best easy Christmas ornaments idea that you can ever get your hands on. This idea is a life savior when you run out of the ornaments you bought!
Hang It!
If you want to experiment with decorating your Christmas tree, then apart from the traditional ornaments, you can come up with your own ideas too! If you have something that might just look good on the tree, hang it! A few examples of such cheap Christmas ornaments are; leftover ribbons, some leftover colored paper, a few miniature lanterns, etc. If you have a lot of gift paper remaining, just cut in the shape of Christmas ornaments and hang it on your tree.
Now that you know how to make these ornaments, what are you waiting for? Get creative and decorate your Christmas tree with these easy homemade Christmas ornaments. Don’t use too many ornaments of the same type, or color. The more different they are, the better your tree will look! Have fun with these simple ornaments and have a Merry Christmas!
Article by Santa Mann, posted on the Internet